Saturday, February 7

Tennis at 35C

So I'm sitting at this desk
(That's a lie, it's really a small table)
Trying to digest
The sweat that has to manifest
on my brow
and.... eyelids.

35 degrees is fine,
unless you're in the sunshine

Playing tennis in the heat
should be reserved for an athlete.
It makes me deadbeat.
In the heat.

You still don't feel good after you win
Your opposition makes a din
The flies start to settle in
making your headspin.

It's still 30 in the shade,
you've just played.

The sun is so ANGRY
the ants are hungry
You're drowsy
You blink slowly
Lay down carefully
Try to avoid gazing at the open canopy

The air is dry
The sky is high,

The morning went fast
you thought it would last

Next thing you know in the car
thank God for the air conditioner

Sweet relief from the blistering heat
Bloody hell I'm beat

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