Saturday, December 27

Hexachordal = <3

He is the new Tim Minchin*. Hm... Would I go that far? Probably not... His English accent fails him a bit. But still, he's got one to start with.

In a word
In three words


Tom Milsom is simply delectable. A mass of incandescent talent and genius and outright brilliance.

He plays piano (<3),

*Tim is God.

Monday, December 15

My Little Observation

"I've taken to writing interesting stuff in a book. It's a nice diversion from the annoyed sighs I get from disgruntled friends."

Sunday, December 14

Yep, it's still going

This amounts up to her usual day at school; Smiling, laughing, having a great time with her friends, making stupid comments that you’ll remember forever. Not caring about what anyone on the outside thinks of you. It’s just you, your friends and your future with those that you love. The past means nothing now, it wasn’t even a mistake… it was a learning curve.

Forgetting your past would be the mistake.
Learning from your own errors and misjudgments is the greatest advice you will ever accept.
Other than;

Lies will lock you up with truth the only key.

Thank you, Missy Higgins.

Tuesday, December 9


Brandon sucks (n)



Monday, December 8

Now I don't feel.... a thing....

I'm not obsessed.
Well... I am... but that's not the point here.
I can't be obsessed with someone who I haven't seen for three days!
It's.... it's..... not right.
You better turn up tomorrow, you... you.... person.
Or so help me...
I'll annoy the heck out of my friends.
And, boy, will they be pissed with you.

Wednesday, December 3

Timothy Winters - Charles Causley

Dearest, loving, forgiving, ultimate diary,
Today I went on business, Welfare Business, to the Winters' household. And let me tell you...
This Timothy is a pretty good kid, in the personality sense. Everything else? Not so much. Pity he hasn't got a mother to nurture and take care of him.
His father is a drunk and I saw some empty gin bottles in the trash can (I noticed they weren't recycled. Not that it matters) and I wouldn't doubt that they belonged to the senile, off-her-face Grandmother - also a suspected alcoholic.
Timothy lives in terrible conditions in the bad part of town. The front door is off it's hinges and it opens the airway from the porch outside, right into the kitchen, where Timothy sleeps. In a sack. On the cold, untiled, insect-ridden floor.
As far as I know the boy does not have any friends, not because he's a bad kid but because other children are repulsed by him. His teeth, hair, his clothes and the area he lives in leave much to be desired. Put it this way, if was a child of 11, I wouldn't want to be his friend either. Children can be so cruel.
When I walked through the kitchen I saw an aspirin bottle almost totally obscured by Timothy's 'mattress' on the ground, ground, not floor. I also saw blood on the end of the sack.
So Timothy's Father and/or Grandmother are either giving him aspirin for some sort of injury, another questionable reason or he's stealing it, seeing as they displayed no acknowledgment of his existence while I was being shown absentmindedly through the house... I doubt they're giving it to him for medical reasons, if they're giving it to him at all.
The drunkard father... ugh. The less said about him the better. He is a disgusting, sorry excuse for a man, let alone a father. All I can say is he pays no attention to Timothy whatsoever. If Timothy's mother didn't carry him for nine months and his father didn't stick around for the birth, I wouldn't doubt that Timothy's dad, and I use the term loosely, would have been totally oblivious to having a son.
The grandmother does not deserve the title 'Grandmother' lets just leave it at that.
I think any parent or guardian would be thrilled to have Timothy as a son, grandson, nephew or cousin even. This child's Guardian's are definitely unfit and think of it as a burden rather than a blessing to have Timothy living under the same roof as them. I believe that Timothy should live with a foster family or adoptive parents. I also believe he'd be very willing to go, too.
This is why I have decided to write a report to the Welfare State about Timothy's situation. I know the laws are stupid and tricky but with the evidence I've found against Timothy's 'family' in his sorry excuse for a home I think the State will have no other choice than to remove him from his Grandmother's and his Father's 'care'.

Thank you, diary for your undivided attention. You helped clear my mind and make sense of this mess.
This is Renee signing off.
See you next time.

Just something I wrote for English. It's based on the poem 'Timothy Winters' by Charles Causley. I'd put the poem up... but I'm too tired and lazy.
I hope you enjoyed it. I sure did.