Saturday, December 27

Hexachordal = <3

He is the new Tim Minchin*. Hm... Would I go that far? Probably not... His English accent fails him a bit. But still, he's got one to start with.

In a word
In three words


Tom Milsom is simply delectable. A mass of incandescent talent and genius and outright brilliance.

He plays piano (<3),

*Tim is God.

Monday, December 15

My Little Observation

"I've taken to writing interesting stuff in a book. It's a nice diversion from the annoyed sighs I get from disgruntled friends."

Sunday, December 14

Yep, it's still going

This amounts up to her usual day at school; Smiling, laughing, having a great time with her friends, making stupid comments that you’ll remember forever. Not caring about what anyone on the outside thinks of you. It’s just you, your friends and your future with those that you love. The past means nothing now, it wasn’t even a mistake… it was a learning curve.

Forgetting your past would be the mistake.
Learning from your own errors and misjudgments is the greatest advice you will ever accept.
Other than;

Lies will lock you up with truth the only key.

Thank you, Missy Higgins.

Tuesday, December 9


Brandon sucks (n)



Monday, December 8

Now I don't feel.... a thing....

I'm not obsessed.
Well... I am... but that's not the point here.
I can't be obsessed with someone who I haven't seen for three days!
It's.... it's..... not right.
You better turn up tomorrow, you... you.... person.
Or so help me...
I'll annoy the heck out of my friends.
And, boy, will they be pissed with you.

Wednesday, December 3

Timothy Winters - Charles Causley

Dearest, loving, forgiving, ultimate diary,
Today I went on business, Welfare Business, to the Winters' household. And let me tell you...
This Timothy is a pretty good kid, in the personality sense. Everything else? Not so much. Pity he hasn't got a mother to nurture and take care of him.
His father is a drunk and I saw some empty gin bottles in the trash can (I noticed they weren't recycled. Not that it matters) and I wouldn't doubt that they belonged to the senile, off-her-face Grandmother - also a suspected alcoholic.
Timothy lives in terrible conditions in the bad part of town. The front door is off it's hinges and it opens the airway from the porch outside, right into the kitchen, where Timothy sleeps. In a sack. On the cold, untiled, insect-ridden floor.
As far as I know the boy does not have any friends, not because he's a bad kid but because other children are repulsed by him. His teeth, hair, his clothes and the area he lives in leave much to be desired. Put it this way, if was a child of 11, I wouldn't want to be his friend either. Children can be so cruel.
When I walked through the kitchen I saw an aspirin bottle almost totally obscured by Timothy's 'mattress' on the ground, ground, not floor. I also saw blood on the end of the sack.
So Timothy's Father and/or Grandmother are either giving him aspirin for some sort of injury, another questionable reason or he's stealing it, seeing as they displayed no acknowledgment of his existence while I was being shown absentmindedly through the house... I doubt they're giving it to him for medical reasons, if they're giving it to him at all.
The drunkard father... ugh. The less said about him the better. He is a disgusting, sorry excuse for a man, let alone a father. All I can say is he pays no attention to Timothy whatsoever. If Timothy's mother didn't carry him for nine months and his father didn't stick around for the birth, I wouldn't doubt that Timothy's dad, and I use the term loosely, would have been totally oblivious to having a son.
The grandmother does not deserve the title 'Grandmother' lets just leave it at that.
I think any parent or guardian would be thrilled to have Timothy as a son, grandson, nephew or cousin even. This child's Guardian's are definitely unfit and think of it as a burden rather than a blessing to have Timothy living under the same roof as them. I believe that Timothy should live with a foster family or adoptive parents. I also believe he'd be very willing to go, too.
This is why I have decided to write a report to the Welfare State about Timothy's situation. I know the laws are stupid and tricky but with the evidence I've found against Timothy's 'family' in his sorry excuse for a home I think the State will have no other choice than to remove him from his Grandmother's and his Father's 'care'.

Thank you, diary for your undivided attention. You helped clear my mind and make sense of this mess.
This is Renee signing off.
See you next time.

Just something I wrote for English. It's based on the poem 'Timothy Winters' by Charles Causley. I'd put the poem up... but I'm too tired and lazy.
I hope you enjoyed it. I sure did.

Wednesday, November 5

This amounts up to her usual day at school.
Skulking around the grounds and keeping to the walls of the corridors. Hiding her face at every chance she gets to avoid catching the eye of someone she'd rather forget about.

This amounts up to her usual day at school.
Putting on the bravest face she can and barging through the corridors, acting like she's superior, like she owns the place. Hiding behind a forced laugh every time she catches the eye of someone she'd rather forget about. All to appear normal, unscathed, unscarred and like she was never fucked over before in her life.

I like improving on old material (who are we kidding, it's material!). 'Tis fun like that. The second one sounds better yeah? Yeah... that's what I thought xD

Comments? Pwitty puh-weaze?

Tuesday, November 4


So I'm thinking I'm so bored I may blog. Even though I dun' wanna.

There's been lots of copying and pasting and bitching and name-calling going around lately. Well, since Sunday, but that's beside the point.

Why do you have to be in such a nothing but angry and revengful mood and then a rational person just so happens to e-wander by, e-tap you on the shoulder and e-say, 'hey, Teagan. He's got problems and you were being a crazy bitch.'?

Kinda ruins the moment just a tad.

I seriously hate rationality sometimes and I curse myself for not being rational in the first place. I also curse stupid people. You all know the saying 'ignorance is bliss'? Well I'm guessing it's true.

But of course there are ignorant people that go and get themselves in a whole lotta shit. Then the rational person comes along and just mutters casually, 'don't worry about him, he made some bad choices and he knows it, but he's too stupid to know any better.'

Then there are the okay-looking, stupid, manipulative, two-faced, backstabbing, lying sons of bitches that grab a hold of you and don't let you go until there good and ready. And when they do let you go, they do it in such a way that you don't even know they've let you go. No matter how many stupid subtle hints they leave. When they're finally finished with you, they make the insane decision to say they made 'a big mistake', like they get that doe-eyed bambi in the headlights look and tell you they only made one. When they've really made five billion and two and don't they know it. It's almost rubbing your face in it really. Stupid people can be really smart sometimes.

Rant (and a half), um, over.

The spoiler T-Shirt.
You've been warned

Monday, November 3

An irregular gang of vampires

"My jet-lagged infant daughter, you'll be passed 'round the room like a puppy in a primary school."
-Tim Minchin
Have you noticed the little disability sign next to the space where you type in the captcha? It makes me lol. To think that they used an image, especially a disability image, as a link for people who can't read the captcha properly. What happens if you can't read pictures either? Or if your blind? Or if you're just really, really stupid. But I guess when they had to add captchas they thought it'd be real cool to use the universal sign for disabled people.
Why is that image the universal sign for a disability anyway? It's not as if everyone who's disabled is in a wheelchair.
I wish people would think things through before they go drawing pictures that are used internationally.

Sunday, November 2

I r eccentric. Who said when? AHHHH!

You must not know 'bout me!
I got you babe.

Haha. Song lyrics are so fun.

You've change, Times New Roman.

Wowwwwwwwwwww. What a weird mood. Copying and pasting is unavoidable.

That's like.... inviting Ryan to a Halloween party and expecting some randomly dressed vampire gang not to suck every drop of blood from his body then spray it back in his face before plucking out all his nose hairs and smashing his guitar into his balls.
Absolutely freakin' impossbile!

Direct your eyes downwards for more wacky adventures in the newly adapted series of Teagan's affairs of someone elses heart!

Being normal now... Well, as normal as I can be.
*Copies and pastes*

What actually happened was I really do hate telling this story, it’s tedious.

Rochelle and Ryan are going out after he dumped me because he didn’t ‘feel the same’ a.k.a. He liked her, and I went on hating her for no apparent reason (seriously don’t ask). Then Rochelle asks me the other day how long me and him had been going out for:

‘Hey, Teagan how long had you and Ryan been going out for?’
‘Does it really matter?’
‘Why don’t you ask him?’
‘I did and he told me 3’
‘It was 6’

Then I walked away. That night Ellece tells me that I need to talk to Rochelle the next day because she had some interesting information. Rochelle said that she asked Ryan how long we’d been going out for, again, and he said 3, again. Ellece told me that Rochelle believed me and then we were all kinda friends.
Later on that same day we see Rochelle and she said that she called Ryan and he said that he’d called Ellece and she didn’t pick up and that he called me (he called me four times but I wasn’t in time enough to answer) and I said that we’d been going out for 3 months, which made me lol. Literally. So that’s why we all hate him and Rochelle’s no longer a bitch.

Now you all (anyone who reads this) know what went down.
Smash git if you see it? If you have a meat cleaver and a blunt axe handy that'd be even better.

Okay... Now the knee story.
More copying and pasting.
This time it's a text! How exciting!
Wait... it's Lemonade time...

'Are you about to trust a veterinary surgen who wears a golf hat? '
'He probably performs surgery with a gold club! Oh, nurse, can you pass me my nine iron?'

Lol@Battle wound. I'm sending this message to Ellece, Jenn and Mel. I just left a chunk of skin on a brick wall somewhere and it hurts like hell. Yall should see it. The wall dinted me. Kick it?

Good times... Not really it hurt lots but I'll get over it.

What I won't get over is Ryan's blatant disreguard for anyones feelings but his own. He can go fuck himself. It's ten times worse than it was before. I do hope you find and read this you son of a bitch.

Wednesday, October 29

Space out, maaaaaaaaan

I don't know

There are all these things.

Unanswerable questions
and unfathomable theories.

The unreachable dream
and unquestionable motive.

The anger and aborment flowing,
the uninhibited resentment.
The addition of butterflies,
making it unbearable.

The association of rum
with an exotic, unreachable pirate.

Pens with two colours
and unbelievably sharp scissors.

Smooth legs and blunt guillotines.

Vibrant colours and glasses for
citizens on the edge of blind.

Flashing orange lights
capturing your attention.

The infinite random events
you concoct to fill in the hours.

Songs from the 90's
filling your mind with
ideas of D-list celebrities.

Old forgotten friends
lighting the once
distinguished spark.

New programs, words, disasters.

Always trying to find
a different way of doing things


Searching for a specific word
that hasn't been used by
anyone you know.

Discovering the new fad

Missing your favourite new show

Missing an old favourite

What to do


I got it all wrong
I'm such an idiot
Sorry, mate

Sunday, October 26

Originally posted: 9/10 - Picking up the scraps

So I'm using the computer desk as my scrapbooking station. Shredding scraps of coloured paper and sticking words to it that most likely
amount to my personality.
Is that exciting enough for you?

I know why it happened though, it's all their fault. They're fucking jerks and I hate them to bits. I never even did a single thing to
them, never tread on their feet or stole their essay but obviously I'd done something to rub them up the the wrong way.
And now I'll never forget it.
Thank you so much for all your help, you miserable little cunts. From the bottom of my heart I am so grateful for what you have
done for and to me.
You unintentionally helped your friend get what she wanted, what good mates you are! So proud of you! Here's a gold star for your
You have singlehandedly ruined my year. It would have been great from the beginning, but it never was and, now, the wreck of my
2008 lies at your feet. Go on, crush it some more. I dare you.

And as for you. Yeah, we're still friends but the blame really belongs to you. If you weren't such a shy, frigid idiot things would have
been a whole lot better not to mention a whole lot easier.
Moving fucked it up as well so a big hug to your mother.

The third member of the weird, twisted shit that went down...
Fuck you into the ground.
I wouldn't be glad if you died.
Then you'd have mourners.
I hope you treat him like shit.
If you must dance,
dance with the fucking devil.
You rub it in my face,
get treated better than I did.
You'll regret you were ever born.

I am so serious. I'm not just saying it because I feel cantankerous.
You will go down.
Thinking of saying a single word to me? Reconsider.
It may be the last thing you ever do.

Why do you even care that I bitch about you? Be the bigger man, take the high road. Get the fuck over it. I have so why can't you?
You're supposedly better than me. You're the nicer person, you've got heaps of really good friends. So just shut the fuck up.
Let me live my broken life in peace. I don't need any of these little confrontations you've got planned.
To me you aren't worth more than shit. I could care less about you and your stupid entourage.

Leave me alone and get out of my life.

Sunday, October 19

Finish that damn sente--

alt='Finish The Sentence Survey - Fun Myspace Survey'>

Finish The Sentence Survey

My ex... - is inexplicable

Maybe I should... - redecorate

I love... - pretzels and canvas

People would say that i'm... - easily distrac-- A FLY! *chases*

I don't understand... - how to make my left hand co-operate

When I wake up in the morning... - well what do you think?

I lost... - the game. Enough said

Life is full of... - raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses...

My past is... - haunting your mother

I get annoyed when... - you do stupid things

Parties are... - soooooo...sooo..... whoreish

I wish... - I had chocolate

Dogs... - nawsh

Cats... - eugh

Tomorrow... - noun. the day after today

I have low tolerance... - for mistakes

If I had a million dollars... - oh the havoc I would wreak

I'm totally terrified... - am not

Take This Finish The Sentence Survey and other href=>Fun Surveys at

Sunday, October 5













Sunday, September 28

Jonas is hot =|

'it's ten o'clock and i've spent the whole day reading a book'

"Welcome to my world."

I am whole-heartedly addicted to LonelyGirl15. Don't you think it's about time they gave the show a name? Yeah, sure, the second series has a name but what about the first one! "Bree's Blog" doesn't quite cut it.
Join the Breeniverse

I've been watching these webisodes since 4 something yesterday and went to bed at, like, 2 something in the morning. It is SO DAMN ADDICTIVE!
I haven't even watched half of it and I've been watching it all day. 'Til about 5:30pm I think. Then the net cut out so I took a break for Doctor Who. SEASON FINALE! FTW!

So much..... DOCTOR DONNA! *Drool*

What colour do you use for Doctor Who...? Green is good. I guess.


Gosh I am in such a good mood. Considering I'm not BORED OUT OF MY MIND!!! Anymore.


Au Revoir - Teagan


Sunday, September 21

Grammar :o

'You've gotta pick yourself up,
Take another look
And dust yourself off
cause life's too good,
I'll say it to myself
and I'll say it again
Love will never end'

So you know what it feels like when you just want to create something... and you really don't know what it is. You're just feeling so...creative! And you don't know whether it's, like, woodwork or poetry or fiction or photography or drawing or music or scrap booking or acting or singing... you just want to make something. To accomplish something. Especially after a very inspirational book. Followed by an inspirational movie.
So what better thing to create... than a blog?

Still isn't as fulfilling as talking to someone about something... deep... something that's been plaguing you. Even if you don't know what it is, you still know there's something there...

I just need to talk to someone that I don't even know. To someone that has no idea about what's happened and what's happening. Someone that doesn't have any preconceived opinions about anyone or anything. It has to be someone I don't know. But someone that's like me, someone that understands me. Sure, my friends get me. But in a friend way. I need a strangers perspective. Fresh ideas. New insight. The perfect person who doesn't judge a book by it's cover and has all the answers. The epitome of the ideal human being. The type of person you can't help but love because they're the best at everything and you can only admire them for it. They are whatever gender you want them to be. In my case, it would be a male. A guy that loves you for who you are. In a friend way. And you love him back. In a friend way. When you're with him you don't forget all your troubles, life doesn't work that way. You talk through them, sort them out.

I guess I created something... the perfect person, eh? Aren't I inventive... Could be the beginning of a novel. Ummaaahh.

That would be nice though. Someone to talk to about anything and everything. For the sake of talking. It wouldn't fix everything, but it'd make it bearable.

Cheers and Au Revoir to anyone who was thoughtful enough to read this tedious drivel.


Sunday, September 14


Sugarcane in the easy morning
So what'd you think I would say?
Bet you thought that I'd be broken
You want a piece of me?
Watch your mouth
I've got the poison, I've got the remedy.

Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleeping
something's on my mind
oh god it's so frustrating
just shutup.
It's gonna happen, it's meant to happen
time to confess
that was many years ago
you can tell how it felt
in just seven days.

From underneath the trees
Sit you down
just beyond the bars
the dark side of the moon
I'll still be loving you
It's astounding
you're so hot that I melted

Now, my friend
someone told me
that lies will lock you up with truth the only key
there's little point in dwelling on the past
leave it to me

I hope you hang yourself
Your friends all plead for you to stay
back to the street
well that all depends
you know I read it in a magazine.

All the wrong you've done
makes me crinkle my nose

I'm in surgery
You are the father of humanity
that's all very well but
in the closet
the best thing;
songs for you.

I'm coming out
in a tick, sir
There must be something
this was never the way I planned.

I get down on my knees
and sing out loud
'I want you, beautiful'

What would you do if I sang
outside your house
Attention! Attention!
I know a place that we can go to
let me take you there.'

What you been doin'?
I'd like to ask you some questions
there is no room for doubt
chew it up and spit it out
all I need is you.

There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
If they just knew
You make me love you


7 Things

I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
When I think about the previous
Relationship we've shared

It was awesome but we lost it
It's not possible for me not to care
Now we're standing in the rain
But nothin's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear

The 7 things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you (oh you)
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

It's awkward and it's silent
As I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
When you mean it, I'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Let's be clear
Oh I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here

The 7 things I hate about you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You make me laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your friends they're jerks
When you act like them, just know it hurts
I wanna be with the one I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you

And compared to all the great things
That would take too long to write
I probably should mention
The 7 that I like

The 7 things I like about you
Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's
And when we kiss, I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hand in mine
When we're intertwined everything's alright
I want to be
With the one I know
And the 7th thing I like the most that you do
You make me love you
You do (oh)

Wednesday, September 10

Nathan Hobby

'There would not be the grand revelation he had always
imagined, Instead, only the steady drag of the minute hand that
pushed the future into the present and then beat it into the past
and turned all possibilities into spent realities.'

'...He felt lonely. Books are wholly inadequate
substitutes for humans and humans are wholly inadequate
substitutes for books, he thought, and even as he felt a small
satisfaction with the idea, he realised it wasn't very witty, just
vaguely true.'

'I fear this is my pinnacle
my vitalest moments
to slip away in this library
learning about others long gone.
Where is the world?
Is it here among the books? Or
through the window, in the sunshine?'

Sunday, September 7

Rainbow, rainbow in the air,
how is it that you fair...
Floating in a sky that stretches into infinite dwellings. You can swim forever so long as you bring me your pot of gold.

Rejoice, my minions. It is finished!

The Modern Elizabethan Sonnet

These poems are sending me quite insane
Why do they have to have ten syllables?
What was on his mind in these Elizabethan
years? Shakespeare must have lost his marbles.
Don’t give us this sort of strain in these times.
Our generation wouldn’t take the time
to create these sorts of intricate lines.
They’re too interested in make-up to rhyme.
Is this long enough to be complete?
Does it have the right rhythm for a sonnet?
Does the emotion conform to the beat?
Will Ms. A unleash her wrath upon it?
Finally it’s over and done with
No more sonnets for me here forthwith!

Oh my beloved went and changed on me.

Ode to

I go to you when I'm at a loss for words
You're there when I need a synonym
You're there when I want the meaning of 'Herefords'
You're my shoulder to lean on, or my limb
I don't know how I'd write without you
You decipher the meaning of 'monastic'
Absence of the latter is taboo
You double as a thesaurus; fantastic!, please, never leave me,
your presence on the Internet is welcome.
You define words like Schmaltzy and shrewdly,
to your charms I will always succumb.
Oh, my thesaurus, my reference,
You dispense a kind but regal guidance

What I'm trying to say is. You can be black, white or blue but, please, never cease to exist.

Well you done done me

I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all

It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head

But she's touching his-chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, letting me go
And I just can't look its killing me
And taking control

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes
'Cause I'm Mr Brightside

I'm coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

Now I'm falling asleep
And she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke
And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed
And my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head

But she's touching his-chest
Now, he takes off her dress
Now, letting me go

Cause I just can't look its killing me
And taking control

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Swimming through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes

'Cause I'm Mr Brightside

I never...
I never...
I never

Silence in the Library

The Vashta Nirada bring people together.
Into close, tight-nit groups of four.

But no one likes to mention that those groups
used to be groups of seven.

Time to celebrate the migration of flesh-eating swarms.

Saturday, September 6

This Mutiny

So I sit and wonder what the point to all this is
Where’s the heart in this disloyalty?
Inside I know that you really don’t care
about me, or anything I do.

So I sit and wonder why I keep on trying
when I know there’s no end to this betrayal
I’m only falling…

I can’t go back
I’ve gotta keep on moving
shutting myself in this corner
isn’t gonna keep me going.
Hoping there’ll be a brighter day
in this hopeless life,
hoping there’ll be an end to this mutiny.

You say you didn’t mean it
but I know that you did.
There’s no way you’re getting out of this
‘cause I’m not burying the hatchet.

So I sit and wonder why I keep on trying
What are you getting out of this?
You know I’m dying…

I can’t go back
I’ve gotta keep on moving
shutting myself in this corner
isn’t gonna keep me going.
Hoping there’ll be a brighter day
in this hopeless life,
hoping there’ll be an end to this mutiny.

Forgive me you say?
You know that’s impossible
You think you’re cunning?
I think you’re gay.

Can’t go back
Gotta keep on moving
shutting myself in this corner
isn’t gonna keep me going.
Hoping there’ll be a brighter day
in this hopeless life,
hoping there’ll be an end to this mutiny.

This mutiny
This mutiny
This mutiny…

Blogspot whores?

I think... the reason you all have two blogs is purely to add to my confusion.
Not because you all have split personalities, different views on life, philosophical, random and wondering minds but just to make it just that more difficult for me to find you all. 'Sides one person. The only normal person to have only one blog. Thank you, one person.

Just for a little punishment. If you actually end up reading this.

You're very welcome.

Sunday, August 31

Just thought I'd post a little...

This is Homer Simpsons very famous Beer song. You really HAVE to sing this to get the full effect, you can sing it to the tune of Doe a Deer ....

DO-RE-MI-BEER, by Homer J. Simpson

DOUGH... the stuff... that buys me beer...
RAY ..... the guy that sells me beer...
ME...... the guy...who drinks the beer,
FAR..... the distance to my beer.
SO...... I think I'll have a beer.
LA...... La, la la la la beer
TEA..... no thanks, I'm drinking beer...
That will bring us back to...
(Looks into an empty glass)

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

How to write gooder

1. Allways use a spel cheker.
2. Avoid long complex sentences which go on and on without using any punctuation to break up the long sentences as this can lead to confusion as people read your text
3. Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat.) (You mark my words)
4. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
5. Employ the vernacular.
6. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
7. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary (and unwanted).
8. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
9. Contractions aren't necessary.
10. Avoid alliteration. Always.
11. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
12. Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
13. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
14. One should never generalize.
15. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous.
16. Be more or less specific.
17. One-word sentences? Eliminate.
18. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
19. The passive voice is to be avoided.
20. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
21. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
22. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement.
23. Who needs rhetorical questions?
24. Understatement is always best.

Letter of Resignation

Saturday August 30 2008
Pretzel Enterprises
123 Pretzel lane, Pretzelville

Dear Pretzelhead,

This is to formally notify you that I am resigning from Pretzel Enterprises as Jehovah's assistant.
I regret to inform you that today will be my last day of employment.
I want to thank you for all you have not done for me in my employment here,
and for wasting my life in serving a management team who are obviously

The Messiah,
Jehovah's assistant


An interesting anagram

Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler


How to give a cat a pill:

1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow.

2) Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process.

3) Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.

4) Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right fore-finger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

5) Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call spouse from garden.

6) Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

7) Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap. Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for gluing later.

8) Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

9) Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink 1 beer to take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood from carpet with cold water and soap.

10) Retrieve cat from neighbour's shed. Get another pill. Open another beer. Place cat in cupboard and close door onto neck to leave head showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat with elastic band.

11) Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus jab. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect. Toss-back another shot. Throw Tee shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

12) Ring fire brigade to retrieve the fuc-ing cat from tree across the road. Apologise to neighbour who crashed into fence while swerving to avoid cat. Take last pill from foil-wrap.

13) Tie the little bastard's front paws to rear paws with garden twine and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy duty pruning gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of fillet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.

14) Consume remainder of Scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way home to order new table.

15) Arrange for RSPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and ring local pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

How to give a dog a pill:
1) Wrap it in bacon.


A genuine excerpt from complaints written to Landlords:
Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.

Don't you just want to kick him in the head?

How to drive other people insane

1) At lunchtime, sit in your parked car and point a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

2) Page yourself over the intercom. (Don't disguise your voice.)

3) Insist that your e mail address be:'' or ''

4) Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.

5) Encourage your colleagues to join you in a little synchronised chair dancing

6) Put your waste bin on your desk and label it 'IN.'

7) Develop an unnatural fear of staplers.

8) Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks.Once everyone has gotten overtheir caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.

9) Reply to everything someone says with a sneering"That's what you think."

10) Finish all your sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy."

11) Adjust the tint on your monitor so that the brightness levellights up the entire working area. Insist to others that you like it thatway.

12) Don't use any punctuation

13) As often as possible, skip rather than walk.

14) Ask people what sex they are.

15) Specify that your drive through order is "to go."

16) Sing along at the opera.

17) Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.

18) Find out where your boss shops and buy exactly the same outfits. Wear them one day after your boss does. (This is especially effective if your boss is the opposite gender.)

19) Send e-mail to the rest of the company to tell them whatyou're doing. For example: "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom."

20) Put mosquito netting around your cubicle.

21) Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their,party 'cause you're not in the mood.

22) Leave the photocopier set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17" paper, 99 copies.

23) If you have a glass eye, tap on it with your pen while talking to others.

24) Insist on keeping your car windscreen wipers running in all weather conditions 'to keep them tuned up'.

25) Highlight irrelevant material in scientific papers and 'cc' them to your boss.

26) Disassemble your pen and 'accidentally' shoot the cartridge across the room.

27) Shout random numbers while someone is counting.

28) Staple papers in the middle of the page.

29) Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complimentary mints by the till.

30) TYPE ONLY IN UPPERCASE or iN a ComBinAtIon of UpPeR and lOWerCAsE ChaRACtErS.

31) Try playing the William Tell Overture (the Lone Ranger theme tune) by tapping on the bottom of your chin or your teeth with a pen or your nails. Just before the end, announce: "No, wait, I messed it up," and repeat again and again.

32) While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.

33) Use the word " like " over and over every 3-4 words. For Example ; ".. and like, he was like - in the car like, and so drunk that like, he couldn't even like get out of it !"


How do you put Pikachu into a Bus?


What has loads of keys but can't open doors?

A piano


Tired of those man boobs?
It consists of you running around till you get skinny, if your hungry then THINK AGAIN!
There is NO EATING in this diet!

*Diet my cause extreme cases of death..

By Ellece

How pointless ._.

Those six days felt like a lifetime

That's all I wanted to say.

Saturday, August 30

Not an obsession, definitely not

Dear invisible receptors,
As you may have noticed I haven't posted anything for a while. Not like that's a problem or anything? Right..... r-r....right?
*Huggles her Teddy bear and box of tissues whilst sucking thumb*


Dun' get to close. I'm virally infectious.
And the cat's being adventurous.

Would you look at that? I can rhyme while I'm unhealthy
*Puffs out chest*


I'm all action.

Scary Movie 4's on soon. I forget what it's about assuming I've actually seen it. Which is doubtful.

But I saw Monty Python's Life of Brian. He's not the Messiah okay?! And we got to see his weiner. Not that I was looking or anything



That's about the most exciting thing that's happened to me today. Excluding the numerous, life-threatening coughing fits and the cat actually being nice to me for once. (That's the cat with no name) or Starlight as Jess likes to call it.


Sunday, August 24

No I can’t bury the hatchet
And I don’t want to try
As far as I see it
You’re more insignificant than a fly.
You screwed me around
and played with my feelings
you turned my world upside-down
and pushed me over the railings.
You’re worth less than shit
I hope you can see that
I know you won’t admit to it
you know you’re nothing more than a rat
I hate you.
I really do.

No I can’t bury the hatchet
you hurt me so bad
nothing can match it
what you did made me mad.
I’m ripping up our picture
and throwing out your ring
you were so immature
your neck I’d like to wring.
There is no excuse in the world
for the things that you did
your actions made me hurl,
you’re disgusting, you’re horrid
and, Babe, I hope you choke
from my hands around your throat.

These sonnets mean nothing to me.
No relevance to reality.

Saturday, August 23

You're a bloody wonder.

Pins and needles.
Have you ever wondered about leopards? What are they? Are they leo's or are they pards?
The script on the charmy thingies is from a 'forbidden' Chinese Dynasty. It's BAD. But the symbol means TREASURE *eyes light up* Arrrrrrrrrr, Mateyyyyy.

"I've got the charts!"
"Well that makes you... Chartman!"

My teeth hurt.
"Silver's good enough for me.... Mr.T"
The pride of one can be smashed in seconds all at the mercy of a single rumour. Or, sometimes, rumours. Yeah, it's rumours with a "U".

"Can I help you with your homework?"
"Sure! Name three words where 'y' is the vowel."

Sky, fly, my.

"I would rather stick pins in my eyes."

'You're so gay and you don't even like boys.'


Tired, weird and bored don't go well together, honestly.
Isn't it nice to have a blog where you can express yourself without feeling like a complete nutcase? Because, after all, there are bigger nutcases than you out in the big, big world. Especially the blogging world and, though you wouldn't believe it (;]), internet chat rooms. Though there are some pretty strange kids in those places. Even stranger than I. You've got to admit. If you know me like I do, that's pretty damn strange.

Moving forward.

Ruining Teenagers for Everyone.

But you have to admit it to yourself, if not everyone else, some of them are pretty talented, hot-looking people. No matter how depressing they are.

"You're so sad you should buy a happy meal.
You're so skinny you should super-size the deal."

Check out this MySpace blog. It's got some interesting stuff about labels and stereotypes in it.
Some of the comments made me curious about "straight edge" kids, though. I'd heard of them before but maybe it's time to do some investigating.

*Bond music plays in the background*
Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN... DUN DUN DUN
*Pew, pew, pew!!!*

You get the picture.

I told you random, weird and bored don't go together. And wet. When wet's thrown into the mix everything just goes completely haywire. Plus the cat is being a freak. Probably mirroring my mood.
My cat loves me...

I hate people.
I honestly, truly hate them. (Or just despise them a lot. At the moment) What the hell is their problem? Aren't friends supposed to be your friends through anything? Even if you are a bitch to them at times but only because they were annoying you... Seriously, I didn't do anything wrong! I'm just sitting there, say a random comment and then she goes ahead and thinks that she can contradict me and say shit that are full-on lies even though she may not realise it at the time! Then... her friend has a go at me because I had a go at her! At least she apologised and didn't hold it against me. It's not like I did anything wrong. I find it hard to say sorry when I've actually made a mistake but you're pushing it if you think I'm regretting it or saying sorry at all for the tiniest little freak out. If anyone's in the wrong it's her and she can just get over it. I have other friends. Doesn't matter what class they're in.

And where the hell does she (different she) get off saying I should 'say sorry to dad'. She knows NOTHING of the ex-father and she shouldn't make it ANY of her business and neither should anyone else for that matter! She can choose to tell everyone her deep, dark family problems and advertise her past all over the school but I'd prefer not to. I'm not one of those people that is so desperate for attention that she's going to tell 'a few people' even people she's not close to about her family issues. And why the fuck should I say sorry to that piece of CRAP? UGH! What the hell?!! Would she actually stop to think WHY I haven't talked to him in like 7 years? Why the fuck would I say sorry! If anyone! ._. She also just expects everyone to know about her past. That's not the way it should go down. But, sure, if she's that type of person and it makes her feel better to 'talk' about things, then she can go ahead but she does absolutely not have the right to expect everyone to share her sort of thinking. It doesn't work that way, sweety. We're not all like you.

"It's gonna happen. It's meant to happen. One step at a time."

I like this lyric :]
I think it's pretty.

But Jason Mraz has the most brilliant mind :\ Seriously, I'd, like, tap that.
(Not his lyric)

Sponges are fun. They're squishy and can absorb things. I wish I could absorb things like a sponge. That'd make life so much simpler. Well, the educational side of things I suppose absorption plays it's part in memory.

The cat keeps licking itself and the fur is staying in it's mouth >.< I'm higher on the food chain than it. So I'm BETTER. No matter how much power it has. AND it sleeps in a basket with the dog >=] beaten, mate.

"If they're really just friends why don't you choose me over them?"

Also a good lyric.

OH! I wanna learn the chords for These Walls - Teddy Geiger.
'Cause, well, they're only chords. It's not like they have the melody in piano at all actually.

'I've got no master plan to help me out
Or make me stand up for
All the things I really want
You had me to afraid to ask
And as I look ahead of me
Cry and pray for sanity'

Yes, good lyrical genius *nod*

Started the day out not feeling photogenic.
Things can change for the better.

Yay small miracles.

Saturday, August 16

I want to write something clever
Something that requires real wit.
Something about… leather
Or a feather
Or…or…pish never.
I couldn’t write something funny,
even if my life depended on it.
I would crash and burn most likely
and my body would be thrown in a pit.
There it would rot for years and years.
While my peers
go on to become great comedic poets
yes, the greatest of our time.
But then, my name is mentioned,
how sublime.
They’ve tagged me a ‘legend’
in the department of ‘depression’
That is so not fair.
I was given an ultimatum!
I refuse this fanfare.
Turning in my grave at this travesty
how dare they label me the queen of tragedy!
To hell with them
I will write something AMAZING
in Heaven.
They’ll see….
make them see
I can be funny!
Haha barely.

Friday, August 15

Aux Champs Elysees

Well, it's gone. The best blog ever. Couldn't find it and I'm crushed.
Time for negativity and slut-bashing.

Emily Mackerell. Yes. Full names now. She probably already has all her details and the corner that she conducts her business from on her MySpace so I feel no guilt whatsoever.

She is the rudest, sluttiest, bitchiest whore that I have ever come across. Ellece and I were in Jewellery, before her lot, put our books on the table then walk off to get our stuff. Now when she walks in, we're in the back room, she moves our stuff out of the way and she and her entourage sit down. When he come back they're all sitting there! And SHE has the GOOD chair. She's not the one with the fucked up back! Ugh. Just FRUSTRATES ME. >.

Moving forward.

I'm tired and am going to attempt to write a happy poem =D

Wednesday, August 13

Ohhhhhhh boy

Not happy.
It saved the post but didn't save anything.

Reeeeally not happy.

Going to bed now.

I should be sane enough to go looking for it tomorrow without hurting anything.

Night, blogging world.

Tuesday, August 12

He he he

I love all my ill-gotten wives, husbands, cleaners, mistresses, boyfriends, girlfriends, fiance's...
And they love me!
I'm such a bigamist.

But they love it.

I r tired

Your wife, carrier of stick, master, boss, girlfriend, fiance`, husband, boss again, friend, confidant, mate, stalker, sex object, team mate, fuck buddy, shoulder to lean on, owner, freak, 15-year-old, person, sister, daughter, mother of many children of rape,
but most of all...


Sunday, August 10

Tell him you'll thrash him at lingual wars

I was nice tod-- yesterday!


I feel special and and needed a-and loved!

I got the hands-free thingo from my mum's phone (nokia) and gave it to my brother. Ever since he was failing at multi-tasking that one time (brother + peeling potatoes + talking to girlfriend = big, bleedy mess) Moving forward. I thought 'hm, Kieran + multi-tasking = fail. Maybe, these nokia phones have similiar outputs... lets see.... 'OI YOU!' *shoves hands-free at brother*' brother NEGLECTS hands-free! Nuff rude! Then... later on... you see him emerging from his room with EAR PHONES IN TALKING! And I'm thinking 'BOO YEAH!' And then... he does something in the kitchen and I say to him 'thank you, Teagan for the hands-free' and he says, rather mumbles, 'thanksforthehands-free.'

See, seeeeee!

Am I nice or WHAT!?

I thought as much.

Just goes to show that I actually DO have a will to help.
Contrary to popular belief.



Overuse or caps alert more like.

Anyway. I'll leave you to ponder.

Au Revoir

Doesn't it just tear you apart,
when the world is falling in around you.
When people are toying with your heart,
making you believe things to be untrue.
When you have certain nostalgia for a time,
that you thought was just so magical.
You thought your life was on a climb,
turns out it wasn't so real.
You’re starting to snap then, think;
‘what the hell am I doing?’
you blink,
and start
It’s your life and you do what you feel.

If they intervene, well, you just sit back and smile.

Saturday, August 9

Spark your heels up against the picket fence...

...I built


Everything's "wicked" at the moment. And if it ain't wicked it's, yep you guessed it, "anti-wicked" 'cause that's just the way I roll.


I r gangstuh, yo'?

I'm sure gangsters don't use apostrophes... New craze? Yeah? Yeahhh?? Nah....


I wish He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named hadn't moved. Hmmm... and I also wish He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named's friends didn't hate me. And I wish I didn't hate them and I wish He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named didn't hate my friends and they didn't hate him.

But I guess that's the way life goes.
Can't win 'em all.

But you know what sucks?

I wish He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named took my side instead of Roach's... Now that's just not cool, man. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named should always take my side. No matter what. But apparently not.

(I feel a poem coming on)

And I'm sure Roach is indeed happy about this.

He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is a bastard and should go hang himself with his own guitar strings.

Violent ,I know, but then maybe he can strangle some sense into himself and all will be well again.

My Ugg Boots are dirty ;_;
I blame Melissa though. Should've gone AROUND the ditch but nooooo Teagan has to go THROUGH it. I still say my way was shorter. Even if you did go around the ditch. But anyway. MY WAY WAS SHORTER.

And... Stephenie... IT'S A CROWN! Damn it! Grargh


In conclusion... Your mother is a gay anti-wicked...... person... :]


Peace, mate

Thursday, August 7

I want you bleeders

I can't eat for ten hours.
And... it only sucks when you don't eat for ten hours.... 'cause you know you can't which makes you want to.

And... I can't have breakfast and I need to take a shower...

I r tired.


Sunday, August 3

In the cold

Teagan feels left out now.

And a bit confused even though I shouldn't be.

And I feel bad.

And I can't say why


Saturday, August 2

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Bloody hell I hate teenagers.
They're a group of bitchy, complaining, gossipy skanks and whores who care about nothing and no one but themselves, their appearence and who they'd like to fuck.

And the ones that are all 'FRIENDS ARE AWESOME I'D DIE FOR THEM' would do anything in their power to bring you down then blame it on their friends! Like they can't control them or some shit.

Then there are the ones that are just plain bitches and hate you for no reason.

Then... there are the ones who physically hurt you.

I am just so over all the lies and the bullshit.
Why can't people just crawl into their holes and drop it?

Sunday, July 27

How you intrigue me so
With your mysteriousness
You’re marrow is
secret songs,
mystic lyrics.
These are the
words that complete you.

Blanketed in wonder am I
at the tunes that create your interior.
This music…
is it soft and sweet,
or hard and rough?
Does it reflect the personality
of your beholder?

The verse you withhold,
does it illustrate a tale?

I marvel at your secrecy.

Infamous iPod
How you intrigue me so.

Sonnet 130

My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips' red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask'd, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any she belied with false compare.
-William Shakespeare
She left her fate to chance.
Eminently exciting she imagined.
Egregiously foolish she thought.
Never in this world will I let my fate be
Determined by destiny.
It was a
Perfect mistake. You create your own future.
It is not to be left to
The random events that cross

Your path.

Saturday, July 26

Demand attention
What? With aggression?
Go up and hug him close,
he’s the one you want to be with most?
I would but I’m getting lifeless
It seems pointless.
Nothing seems pointless if it means something to you
And I’m guessing he means something to you?
He’s skating on thin ice,
But he wouldn’t be if he were nice.
What’s he done,
to make you run?
Nothing, that’s the point.
He needs to get his arse into joint.

Friday, July 25

This is absolutely terrible

Whilst googling Jacqueline Saburido to see her progress in 2008 I came across a picture on Google images of her on Oprah (I've seen this particular episode) I clicked on the website ( and it is absolutely plastered with ads! Models, Harry Potter, that pregnant man, "You are the 999,999th visitor!",


Can people not just click on a website about something serious without seeing all these ads with models on them, the next fad diet or Lindsey Lohan photoshopped to look like she has terrible chest hair?

Bloody hell!

What is the point of all these ads? No one clicks on them anyway because they're always going to give you a virus, always. People have learnt to stay away from them yet websites still accept payment from these companies to display their hoaxes, fad diets, lies and superficial bullshit. I know it's impossible to avoid banner ads on any website even if you do have a pop-up blocker or something of the like but come on!

Drink driving is a serious issue and how are the dumb asses that drink and drive supposed to pay attention to the article when there's a fucking flashing banner right in front of their face? Drink drivers are obviously not that smart and are incapable of letting flashing objects avoid their gaze. Then there are the models and actresses and "freaks" with waists that are like 2 cm thick in diameter. Now if these idiots aren't as distracted as we thought when it comes to flashing objects, this'll get them. What idiot of our time can ignore a sexy female body? None. They're specifically designed to detract attention from what you're supposed to be looking at. And for what? Just a few hits?

It's all bullshit.
Ads should go die.

Rant over.

I AM a SUPERMAN (and I still hope you like me as I am)

Teagan has the power to transform her body into gold. She likewise has mastered the ability to launch gravitic pulses from her laser cannon toward a single assailant, however she must speak words of power to do so. Teagan battles attackers with a destructive whip, but doing so drains her ability to sense cow for six seconds. She has the power to become gigantic and she possesses the power to take control of vampires. Teagan has been known to view distant locations with her mind and she developed the talent to tunnel through solid corbomite. Additionally, she has learned to sculpt and mold all water with a thought, but only while thinking hard. Tragically, Teagan takes harm from exposure to wood.

I guess it's hard to sleep when you've got some guy drilling into you

That's it.
I was trying to think of that world, like, er, all of Thursday. Well, since Journalism which, I think, was first period I'm not very sure. Anyways. How the hell can you get egotistic and eccentric and unique mixed up. I mean, sure, unique and eccentric have kind of the same meaning but, you know, totally different words. "E" and "U"? Come on.

Stupid Brain Thesaurus isn't working. Neither is the Brain Dictionary at the moment. How gay is that?

Speaking of gay... I've been saying it a lot. Should quit. Should start saying "that's straight" Damn homophobic slander. Go home.

Ohhhishhhhhhh. Getting paid on Monday xD For what? I cannot tell you. But in about 5 weeks I'll have enough money to buy my keyboard XDDDD Maybe less than 5 weeks? Hopefully. :DD

Argh... Alex talked to me today ._. It was terribly horrible and opposite fantastical. He told me I should learnto play guitar. The sound of his voice just sends shivers down my spine and not in a good way either. Now that's...just....scary....

AHA!Oh yeahhhh (y) Teagan's got a SECRET!
But I can't tell you :\
Oh well.

Mitchell is a c word.

Bye <3

Sunday, July 20

Do you want to swap band-aids?

'Ello, audience of no one.

Watched Sweeney Todd today and made some very rich caramel fudge from a box, in a microwave. Then ate it. Now if you've seen that movie you'd know that it wouldn't exactly be the best idea to eat fudge after watching it. Although I'm not entirely sure that the feeling in my stomach has anything to do with the movie.

I don't have a problem with it because I don't live in London and I don't shave. Lucky me!
Yuuuuuuuuup. Was supposed to go to the movies today. Didn't happen. Bloody mother decided it wasn't organised enough and the person I was going with wasn't going to turn up! Makes me want to give her a shave >_>

I wonder if man is tougher than woman.... you wouldn't think it but some of the women I've seen would make you question your assumptions.

Gotta write some poems for Journalism. Not good poems, mind. Just to see if we can actually write. You'd think that in a class of, like, ten people who have chosen the subject would actually know how to write. But I guess writers aren't the most boldest of human beings. Having the courage to tell a teacher they can write. You need all the emotion you can get if you want to be a writer. Take J.K. Rowling for example. I heard she's been through some stuff? She looked a bit depressive on that show about her life and whatnot. I dunno. I've never really liked J.K. Rowling. Seems to me that her writing doesn't reflect her personality at all.

Example of poem:

Tennis is great
Tennis is so fine
What a great hobby
To occupy your time
So grab a racquet
And a ball
Or two
H it
Wi th
Yo ur
B est
M ate
S t u

Awesome, eh?
I thought so.
Gotta do a few poems in the shape of your subject.
Just to see if we can.
This should be a laugh.

Live long and prosper

Friday, July 11

This apple is so waxy I wouldn't be surprised if the stem was a wick in disguise.

Welcome to my show
I'm glad that you could come
We're gonna have a hoot
We're gonna have some fun.'

Damn straight we're gonna have some fun... Or not. I've had a headache all day and I think a little too much fun may make several of my lasting brain cells implode. I'd rather that not happen so lets just play it safe shall we?
I have milo. Yeah, you're jealous. Good old Aussie culture. We grow milo on trees, did ya' know?

I swear... I'm turning into a sexual deviant. It's just all sex, sex, sex with me now. Can't think of anything to say, 'penis.' Not that it's a bad thing... Or maybe it is if I describe myself as a sexual 'deviant ' . But I dunno. I don't talk about tennis that often anymore since the season ended. I mean, winter's awesome and everything but no Summer comp? Lessons cancelled frequently due to rain? That's a bit rough. I had to find something else and with the holidays you can't talk about people so you talk about sex. Mutual ground with the males, you see. It's all sex with them and they get especially interested if you, as a lady, start talking about it. Not that I'm one of those

'Oh! Cute boy, cute boy! Look at me! I'm taking my.... socks off! Ha! Had you fooled! You thought I was going to strip! Naughty, gullible boy! *Giggle*'

Not that a promiscuous girl would ever speak like that, ('gullible', 'fooled') ever. But yes. Just something to fill the void that lack of tennis has created *sigh*

But Doctor Who's back =D
Fourth series!

Damn Australian lag -.- One series behind. Soooooo unimpressed. But it's back *does a dance* and I've been recording it on DVD's. M'hm, m'hm. Means we don't have to go out and buy all the episodes with Catherine Tate in them. I respect her as a comedian and everything but on Doctor Who? She's not at her best. I know Donna's supposed to be flamboyant and just the Doctor's mate but.... what Martha and Rose brought to the show was so much better. The lovesick faces were just to die for. But I guess I'll get used to it. She is funny though Donna. *Restrains self from quoting*

I should be homeworking. Stupid teacher giving us too much damn holiday homework.
Arghles *Strangle*
