Wednesday, April 29

So fucking rock... not


Wednesday, April 22

This blog is proudly brought to you by...

Teagan Has Her Laptop Back Industries.

These industries would like to know if Teagan can get a


is that possible at all?

Oh... and Elly. I'm accepting you now :)
You're very welcome.

Tuesday, April 21


August is always the shit one.

I mean, out of ALL the landscapes you could possibly choose?

Out of ALL the recipes that contain cranberries?

Out of ALL the animals you could possibly pick?

Every single time.


You're so hot that I melted

Jason Mraz is one sexy beast.


Tuesday, April 14

Not being specific

The problem with me is I won't forgive or forget.
I will not want to forgive
And I can't forget.

So I'm screwed either way, basically.

It's not staring

If I don't feel the need to blink.

Monday, April 13

*Throws lamps at the laptop cord*

Okay, it's happening.
Must I keep reminding people of that?

Sunday, April 12

I'm so outraged at the media's coverage of... everything

Corey says:
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
Corey says:
*'tcha doin???
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*I'm so outraged at the media's coverage of sport.
Corey says:
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*Because it's all fucking FOOTBALL
Corey says:
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*The thunderbirds played the Swifts for, like, 2 hours before the news was on....
*And it's all FOOTBALL
*They have fucking progress reports!
*Honestly, NOTHING about the netball, NOTHING about tennis.
*Football and gold.
*And I'm also incredibly unhappy with their reports about people's deaths.
Corey says:
*why have they all been killed in a fire recently???
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*9 people died on the roads so far (I'm not sure if the toll has risen), I heard on a news break last night.
*And then, the reporter goes on to tell us that a Hawthorn player has died!
*So, we have a big to-do, with a slide show of a man with a mullet wearing a Hawthorn football jumper. At this point, I tune out.
Corey says:
*what if had found a cure to cancer that died with him or something
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*Obviously not, it would have been front page news.
Corey says:
*or he created cancer and he was killed by cancer patients
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*Also, I'm pissed off about the victims of the black Saturday fires, in a make-shift church PRAYING TO GOD.
Corey says:
*your just never happy are should have an i'm pissed off about this thing on the news segment on TV
Teagan - Tribute to the PLAN [[(8)]] Please don't start your reply with 'sorry I was busy too' says:
*If god was so damn wonderful, two hundred people would not have died.
*This is why I don't watch the news - it shits me.
Corey says:

Saturday, April 11

Well... What I think I'm doing can't be nearly as awful as how awkward it was.

Lol.. Akward!

It is. It really is.

Wednesday, April 8

Adam Adam,
What ya' been doin' in the room downstairs?
What ya' been playing with down there?
Adam Adam, things are gettin' strange.

Monday, April 6

Would it be really awful if I'm doing what I think I'm doing...?

Friday, April 3


I'm tired.
My almost three hour nap made me tired.
Please, someone explain to me how that works?