Wednesday, February 18

Fo' realz, homez

Sometimes I honestly don't understand people. If you don't want to talk to anyone... WHY ARE YOU ON MSN?!
We all know the reason you're on MSN is because there's someone on there that you want to talk to...

And why do people have to make you jump through hoops and decipher riddles just to get something out of you? That's no way to have an open friendship or relationship with someone.

Like, for example; if you like someone, TELL IT TO THEM STRAIGHT!
Dropping subtle hints, DOES NOT WORK.
Honest, boys don't understand hints and they're not very good at giving them either.
And what do you have to lose in the first place?
They don't like you? Isn't that the world of the world?
*Raises eyebrow*
So what? Big deal. GET OVER IT.
There are some things in this life that are not fair.
The upside of it is, you tell him you like him and low and behold he likes you back!
You took a leap of faith and it turned out good.

What I'm trying to say (I finally found a point) is it's better to have EVERYTHING out in the open than to keep it all secret. Talking through stuff is the best way to solve problems, find out what really makes people tick and to choose who your real friends are.

I like donuts.


Ashlee. said...

I like strawberry iced donuts, strawberry iced donuts for me, I like them for breakfast I like them for tea, strawberry iced donuts for me.
I get your point. Still, secrets are fun. Well, some kinds of secrets. The whole "I know something you don't know" secrets, where nothing overly important is kept.
But I agree, having stuff out in the open is good.
Here goes:
I am awesome.
There, I said it. Lol. You're pretty sweet too, but... compared to me? Nup.

Scooter Trash said...

I like donuts three.
By that, I mean one more than two. Or, in this case, too.
FORGIVE ME!!!!!!!!