Monday, February 2

Here come the drums




Double want

-Actually this is really the 86th post. Apparently, there are 10 secret posts. Must be the drafts? Hum. FAKE ALMOST CELEBRATION! OMFGUH!
If any of you lot buy me any of these things I will love you forever and ever. But not as much as I'll love my 10th Doctor 5'"0' cut out. That's understandable, yes? Yes.
And I'll be incredibly busy reading John Smith's diary of impossible things under the light of my sonic screwdriver pen.
If I'm not trying to make my cut out real with my pewter sonic screwdriver. Or my other sonic screwdriver. Or my other sonic screwdriver.

That's also if I'm not glued in front of the TV/Computer watching the end of series four.

'I like it when you use my name'
'You chose it. Psychiatrist's field-day'


Scooter Trash said...

Not obsessed at all. Not one bit. Nope. Not even a smidge.
-Sorry I haven't commented in a while.

Ashlee. said...

I want them all. Tell you what: you get these things for me, and I'll think about buying Mr.Tennant for you. Deal? Deal.