Monday, February 9

Horrific Haikus

Our sky is crimson
The Apocalypse threatens
Yearning for Winter

Just three letters, just three words
Good News Week. Epic win.

I am out of words
Out of the rhythm and words
No dedication


Scooter Trash said...

I watched GNW last night!
Heh heh, a fat child with a smaller child orbiting it.
I think I love Wil Anderson. He be the grossest. I also love Cal (Cal? Kal?) because her baby is pro.
*In relation to the actual post*
I thing you're totally un-minging when it comes to poems, and not even a little bit pants. Well awesome...there's some tweenage London speak for you to dwell over.
Dwell. Dwell! DWELLLLLLL!!!!!!!!

Teagan said...

YAY! It means I'm good! XDDD
I can speak tweenage London speak >.<
Don't know how but I can.

I'm well chuffed, Elly. Well chuffed.