Tuesday, March 3

89 bottles of rum on the wall. 89 bottles of rum...

You know what would be so totally awesome?!?!?!
If... me and or someone else... did that thing that Jack and Will did with the boat when they were taking over the Interceptor =D Like with the walking on the bottom of the Caribbean and not drowning [: epic.

What happened to Elliot's awesome as red leather chair to match his jeans?!
I don't like this new Rollercoaster. Not at all. Not one bit.
Except for Elliot's hair changed.
And it has Elliot in it
You know, for ages. When they had the ads for Rollercoaster, I thought that when Elliot said 'Join me, Elliot Spencer...' I thought he meant that Elliot Spencer was another person. So I was waiting for ages for this other person to appear in ads, or on the show. Like a year later I realised that I was hearing it the wrong way.

Hah. My bad.


Scooter Trash said...

Don't like Rollercoaster either. Not fun.
By the way...with all this rum you speak of..I was just wondering-
-do you have a drinking problem?

Scooter Trash said...

What happened you *Rollercoaster*? You used to be cool, man.

Teagan said...

Rest in pieces, Cool, Smart, Real Rollercoaster. Rest in pieces...

Teagan said...

No I don't have a drinking problem.
I enjoy drinking :\
Never been a problem...