Wednesday, March 4

Hey now, Hey now.

Love for me is...
someone I would put above tennis.

There hasn't been anyone like that.
And.. I think... there never will be.

Oh well.
All the more for tennis, eh?


Scooter Trash said...

I wish I had that sort of motivation to get fit.
*waddles away*

Scooter Trash said...

'Hey now, Hey now'
-I assume you listened to the song, then?
You like?

Teagan said...

It's not really a motivation to get fit.
I just like tennis ^_^
And I listened to it.
Honestly, I've heard better.
It's a bit slow... and non-modern. I like modern.
If Tim sung it on the other hand.
Or maybe even David Tennant.
Then, and only then, I would be a heap more into it :D