Tuesday, March 17

Impossible is A Moderation of Tennis (:

Photos Thursday
An 'artistic' nightmare
A ficticious dream

The dog is sleeping
Sleeping in a world of fur
and bread. Yes, she sleeps.

They call for you in the dead of night
Clawing at your soul, but you do not stir
They persist, until you wake up, tight
'No sex tonight,' you tell your lover


Scooter Trash said...

Lol - I LOVE these poems! Rofl.
Why is it that school photos are so terrible? ALWAYS with the terrible. *sigh*
They're SUPPOSED to be professionals, and yet their photos are so sucky. WHY?!?!
I<3 the lover one. Heh heh.

Scooter Trash said...

Yes, you will be my model!

Teagan said...

I like the lover one too :)
The first actually witty poem I've ever written xDD

Scooter Trash said...

Heh heh.
You should be proud!

Teagan said...

I am ^_^